Open Space Dividers
Make your space your own. Hang or place our acoustic systems in open spaces to reduce noise reverberation.
Open Space Dividers

This acoustic felt moveable partition is all about adding functional design to any space. Add flare and colour with our acoustic felt patterns, and let them standout in bold colours while taking care of echoes!

Hanging Felt Dividers
Let it all hang loose. Relax and let the Felt Hanging Dividers do all the echo reduction. Hanging acoustic felt screens add premier design and noise reduction to any open space.
Frequently asked questions
What materials are used for Open Space Dividers?
They are made with 100% Polyester, over 60% of which comes from single-used plastics.
Are they hard to maintain?
Surprisingly, they are very easy to maintain. All that is required is a simple vacuum & dust!
Are they heavy?
No, they aren’t heavy. All of our products are designed to be light-weighted, to simplify the installation process.
Are they customizable?
Yes, all of the Open Space Dividers are customizable. Choose from our selection of colours, designs and styles to best fill your space!
Are they hard to install?
No, all our products are designed to be very straightforward to install.